10 Signs Your Tree Might Be at Risk of Falling

Many people love and appreciate their trees, yet they fail to recognise the potential dangers some trees represent. This is a shame, as many accidents and tragedies could be avoided if people simply knew the signs and symptoms that indicate a tree is at risk of failing. If you want to protect your loved ones and property, it is essential to familiarise yourself with this information.

Here are the top signs to look out for:

1. The Tree Starts to Lean Suddenly

You might be thinking, aren't leaning trees always in danger of falling? Well, not exactly. Healthy roots are what keep a tree up and stable- especially when it's been thrown off balance like with this kind of growth pattern. But if the base suddenly lurches to one side, that can cause some serious problems for any nearby structures or animals! 

Trees have a tendency to lean in one direction or the other, and eventually, they will fall. Have any of these leaning trees inspected immediately by an expert arborist before it falls on someone else’s property!

2. The Tree Has Multiple Trunks


Multiple trunks are dangerous for trees because of their heavy attachments. Unlike branches that attach to the tree's trunk securely, these types of trees usually only have a weak link between them due to weight and pressure from other areas on the trunk.

The arborist can help you assess the stability of your tree and determine if mitigating steps are needed. The sooner such a step is taken, there will be more benefits to support it with cables or braces.

3. The Tree Has Large Hollow

Trees form tree hollows for some reasons, but most start as small wounds that turn into fungi. This fungus eats away at the wood until eventually there is nothing left but a cavity inside of the trunk where all those nutrients were once stored safely before breaking down into sugars or starches which then become food for insects such as ants who might have been drawn in by their powerful scent! But not every hole is bad.

Sometimes these cavities happen quickly enough so that only one part of the tree dies off without harming anything else around it. If you notice any hollow in your tree, it is essential to contact a tree specialist to help you.

4. Tree Branches Are Dropping Suddenly

Trees are resilient creatures that have been known to drop a few branches without much issue. However, if you find your tree is shedding limbs for no reason then it might be time to take notice and perform an inspection. 

Decay can sometimes arise from the site of breakage which will help identify how best to treat this situation so as not to cause any further damage or harm in the long run.  Tree limb failures are common, but they don't have to be! In order to keep your trees healthy and strong, you should consult with an arborist if one of its limbs suddenly drops. 

5. Mushrooms Starts to Grow

Mushrooms are more dangerous than they look. They can penetrate through the soil and even wood to cause serious damage in a network of filaments called hyphae, sometimes without any noticeable symptoms at first glance. The average person may not recognize the danger they pose, but a mushroom could be devastating to an arborist.

It's important to be mindful of mushrooms growing around your tree. To stay safe, don't forget to have an arborist inspect any tree from which a mushroom grows and make sure you're not disturbing the root zone with fungi that may feed on it.

6. Nearby Tree Has Issue

The soil can be a breeding ground for all sorts of pests that could harm trees in the area, but it is not always clear what causes isolated instances like this. One hypothesis has to do with root rot and how different species might react differently.

Imagine you have one tree on the edge of a forest die from some unseen cause - likely there are fungi or pathogens lurking around in that same soil. All other trees living near enough will also face extreme risk if they happen to share similar roots because any damage done by these microorganisms will affect them too.

7. Roots Are Raising Up

One of the most important aspects to understand when determining if the tree might be at risk of falling is that roots can rot. The rotting process starts from inside and will progressively grow outwardly, which means you cannot see what's happening until it’s too late. Signs such as dead branches, falling leaves or mushrooms growing around the base are indicators of bad root conditions. If these signs exist in your garden then there might be an issue with rotten roots!

8. Falling Leaves

When you notice leaves missing closest to the tree's trunk, it could be a sign that something is wrong. Leaves should not fall on the inside first and if they do, there may be an underlying issue with your healthy trees such as compromised root zone or nutrient problems. Your trees need nutrients like water in order for them to stay alive; so when you see leaves falling from the inside of your healthy-looking trunks this can signal trouble!

9. Trunk Has Big Cracks

It's not uncommon to find cracks in tree bark. Cankers are deep, cracked patches of the trunk and can form when trees start dying out — which is why they should be examined by an Arborist if found. The deeper these cracks in the bark grow, it becomes more difficult for a tree to remain stable as its health deteriorates; making them hazardous objects that need attention right away before being followed down with serious consequences after incidents like thunderstorms

10. The Tree Has Soft Spots

A tree can have weak spots when it has fungi, an infestation, or a wound. These things place stress on the tree and thus weaken its trunk and limbs. It's important to note that you should always wash your hands after touching diseased trees in order to avoid spreading any potentially harmful bacteria from one plant onto another nearby plant because infections spread easily through water droplets!


Are you worried about a tree that could collapse on your home or loved one? If so, it's time to get the expert opinion of an arborist. An arborist will be able to help with any defect in the structure of your tree and ensure that there is no danger posed by its branches. Contact us to get more information.

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