Alternatives to Tree Removal

For many homeowners, trees are a necessary and unavoidable hassle. They make their yards look nicer but require tedious upkeep that can take years of endurance to get right. But there’s no need for this relationship to be one-sided; planting your tree is an investment in the beauty you don't want the world to miss out on!

In an era of rapid change, one thing that remains constant is the importance and value trees offer to our homes. Trees provide aesthetic beauty; they allow us space for socializing with friends or family while taking in nature’s splendor; their roots filter toxins from water runoff before it reaches streams and lakes (saving both humans and animals alike).

But most importantly, we can use them as windbreaks to protect ourselves against harsh storms which threaten not only property damage - but also life itself.

Planting the wrong type of tree in your yard can cause significant problems for you and others living nearby. The Right Tree, Right Place guide is a great resource that maps out which types of trees are best suited to specific zones, so you avoid these pitfalls easily!

An arborist can help!

The best way to avoid tree problems is by getting an arborist to help you with any issues your trees have. They're able to solve many of them without resorting to removing the plant, meaning they'll be around for a long time!

Tree cutting is not as dangerous, or at least less so than many people think. Inexperienced pruning often leads to problems that are the cause of tree removal in the future. An arborist can tell you if your community requires permits for this type of work and knows which trees should be removed before they become a hazard on their own accord.

 But beware- anybody with access to a pickup truck and chainsaw may call themselves an "arborist". Make sure your job gets done right by looking for a certified arborist through International Society Arboriculture!

Dealing with root problems.

Roots are not the most common cause of pipe failure. Changes in the soil can create cracks, usually at joints. Roots grow towards existing ruptures where nutrients and moisture abound; however, once they successfully invade the pipeline's interior, it's game over for your pipes because roots fill them!

Tree removal is a solution to this problem, but only if you remove all traces of both stump and remaining root system as well—because even with just one left behind, crack remains an issue that could lead to future problems down-line (pun intended).

Pipes are a nightmare for homeowners, but there is hope. Chemical treatments can be used to keep roots out of pipes - safer than aquatic herbicides! Copper sulphate crystals will do the trick, and you'll save money too! Check your sewers annually to make sure they aren't blocked so that damage doesn’t occur; this maintenance work should only take about an hour from start to finish if done right.

Research has shown that in some cases, roots can cause foundation problems. But their presence is not enough evidence to say it was the root's fault since they rarely are solid or big enough for this purpose. In other cases, though, where soil composition and proximity of tree may play a role as well, installing an extra barrier could be necessary if you want your house to stay safe!

Tree roots are often blamed for foundation cracks, but this is usually not the case. In some cases where it becomes clear that a tree has been causing problems with your home's structure, installing a root barrier in an effort to prevent future damage may be recommended by professionals.

Sometimes when you suspect something as simple as a small crack in your house might have been caused by one of our old friends Mother Nature and her trees. There will most likely be other tell-tale signs present, too, such as exposed or rotten wood on nearby structures like decks or sheds - especially if they're close enough to contact each other through their branches!

When sidewalks are too close to trees, tree roots can interfere with the concrete. This causes cracks and lifting of the sidewalk, which creates hazards for pedestrians. Sometimes will resolve problem roots by pruning, but this harms the tree's health risks destabilizing them, or even killing it in some cases.

A more practical option is usually just moving/lifting the pavement from around where there might have been a crack before, changing what we call "root barriers", or cutting down on how much space plants take so they don't come into contact with concrete at all.

When trees grow near walkways (sidewalks), their roots may cause cracking and lifting paving due to the soil being compacted tightly against them.

climber up tree

What To Do With Hazard Trees

Only in extreme weather conditions are trees likely to fall over, such as during heavy winds or snowstorms. Tree species differ in how easily they drop branches, but most can withstand routine lousy weather and will not normally topple without cause.

A tree that has suffered extensive root damage will usually have weakened stabilizing roots. These types of trees are more likely to topple during winter or other extreme weather. They may also face the risk of having dead branches break off, cavities rot out at their base from years-worth of rainfall building up inside them or become smothered by vines leading to a lack in oxygen flow.

When a tree becomes defective, to keep it healthy, you can prune out the bad branches or move its target so that any fallen branch will fall harmlessly. Even trees at risk of falling often recover their health with proper maintenance or are secured using techniques like cabling and bracing.

When Trees Are Blocking The View

It's no surprise that trees are integral to a healthy, happy life. Research affirms that simply seeing and being near them can profoundly impact our physical well-being as it provides us with natural beauty when we need solace the most: hospitals! A recent study found patients who could see trees from their hospital bed recovered faster than those without any such exposure due to its calming effects.

Why would you cut down a tree if it is the view? Research has shown that people who can see trees from their hospital beds recover faster, and significant research confirms that exposure to trees improves human health and happiness.

And, if you must remove a tree, always take the time to plant two new ones so that your old one's carbon dioxide isn't missed.

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