Common Tree Problems and How to Solve Them

Trees are a significant part of our ecosystem. They are good stabilizers of the ecology from removing pollutants, cleaning the air, purifying streams and reservoirs to providing nutritious foods for humanity. On the other hand, just like any living thing, trees also fall ill and may encounter several problems.

Read on this article as we have prepared some of the usual tree(s) problems and solutions:

Weather and Health of Tree

Trees are typically affected by inconsistent weather conditions. Climate change is one of the factors that have influenced this problem. The following exhibits how the weather could have some impact on your tree [s) life:


During the summer months, drought is one of the most common issues of trees. The signs of drought could be tricky. Sometimes, the symptoms will show after the damage is already in its terminal stage, wherein you can no longer save the life of the tree.

In 2000, Australia experienced the worst drought in the country’s history. The Millennium drought had extensively affected the agricultural production of Australia’s cotton industry. Many trees have dried and died during this period.  As a matter of fact, drought is one of the causes of the catastrophic bush fire bushfires in eastern Australia in 2020. 

Symptoms of Drought in Tree

  • Yellowing of leaves, wilting, dropping
  • Leaf drop or premature needle
  • Pronounced dieback
  • Deep cracks with the bark
  • Thinning of canopy
  • Browning of needles
  • Death of a tree(s)


Solution 1:

You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to figure this out. Trees need enough amount of water, especially during the summer months. New trees need deep watering once or twice a week to help establish their roots. It would be perfect to put some organic mulch around the tree not just to retain nutrients but also to help the soil maintain its moisture.


Solution 2:

When planting new trees be sure to check your local authority if your area experiencing occasional or recurrent droughts. If your place is experiencing droughts every now and then, it is ideal to select certain tree species that can survive drought or the ones that don’t require regular watering.

Note: Still, you need to provide enough care for the tree during its first two years. This is very useful to guarantee that the tree will grow healthy and strong wherein it can survive any weather conditions.


Solution 3:

If you noticed some cracked, weakened or dead tree branches, you’ll need to prune them. Without cutting these troubled branches, the tree would become vulnerable to infestation and infection. It would be essential to call an expert arborist to help you deal with such a problem if you are not sure what to do.

Winter Burn

Winter burn or also called desiccation normally happens during cold winter months. The effects of winter burn are easy to notice. Discoloration of leaves is one of the obvious signs of this tree problem. Normally, this issue could happen if there’s a presence of freezing temperature, wind, and dry soil.


If you don’t want this to happen to your tree it is very important to provide your tree with enough deep watering before the fall season ends and the winter season starts. You will also need to mulch the area of the root zone for you to retain the moisture in the soil.  This is an important thing to do before the ground starts to freeze as you can protect your tree effectively.

Improper Tree Trimming, Cutting, and Pruning

You cannot just cut a tree without proper knowledge, tools, and techniques. There’s always the right way and time to perform tree trimming, cutting, and pruning. Doing it the wrong way could leave the tree exposed to different infestations and infections. When done incorrectly, the tree may also not able to adapt to the changing season, thus stressing them more, which could lead to death.


The solution is easy. You have to know when and how to prune your tree. You will also need to know the species of your tree when is the best suitable time for them to be cut. Some may be ideal to be cut in late fall, summer, or even in early spring. You need to use the appropriate cutting methods when removing stems, branches, and limbs.

Insects on Bark and Leaves

Even though healthy trees can outgrow insect infestations, some couldn’t survive some infestations, which could lead to the premature death of your tree. Insects like lace bugs, spider mites, bagworms, aphids tree scale, and inchworms are some of the easiest ones to manage.


You may need to apply some insecticidal soap, horticultural oil, or neem oil directly to the affected area. However, it is still best to consult an expert that can help you deal with the infestation. You’ll have to make sure that you are doing the right thing.

Boring Insects Infestation

Wood-boring insects type of arthropods that can cause severe damage to wooden structures. They are highly-regarded as pests that could cause massive damage to residential or urban properties. In agricultural or rural settings, boring insects can damage crops.

Insects such as Ambrosia Beetle, Southern Pine Beetle, Japanese Beetle, and Emerald Ash Borer are types of infestation that are difficult to control. They will start to create an entry hole in your tree.

Solution 1:

Trim back some infested stems and branches to prevent them from spreading further. If the damage is already reached at least 25% of the tree’s mass or foliage, it is best to seek help from a licensed arborist. They know all the best solutions for your tree.


Solution 2:

If the boring insect has infested a tree trunk, it is ideal to left it to the experts for them to assess the destruction and determine the best approach to stop the infestation once in for all.


Solution 3:

Prevention is still better than cure. When there’s an outbreak within your area, make sure to protect your tree from using an insecticidal spray to keep these insects at the bay. Do not let your tree become its host as this could cause additional damage to nearby trees in your property.

Internal Fungal Infection

Internal fungal infection cannot be prevented. Most of these infections usually go their way through open wounds and roots. Keep in mind that once your tree has become infected with these diseases, it can be difficult to control them and will usually result in tree removal.   Growing mushrooms in tree branches or trunks is one of the most alarming signs that your tree is decaying. In this case, you don’t have to use herbicides as this will lead to the death of the tree.

Solution 1:

Lopping some affected branches, limbs, and foliage is the best thing to do to address the issue right away. Again, if most of the tree’s mass or foliage needs to be removed, it is best to seek help from a licensed arborist. They can determine if your tree(s) should be removed entirely as a way to prevent the infection from spreading to other nearby trees.


Solution 2:

To keep your tree(s) healthy, it is very significant to prune them properly. A poorly trimmed tree is more vulnerable to any fungal disease and insect infestation. Contacting an arborist is also an incredible method to make sure that they are healthy all year round.

External Fungal Infection

It is common for insects, and birds to carry spores of pathogens and fungi from one tree to another. Powdery mildew, rust diseases, fire blight, and cankers are some of the common fungal infections of trees during spring and summer.


The solution for this problem is easy, all you need to do is to carefully cut down and destroy the affected branch or foliage and apply it with spray for fungi. You also need to do the same to nearby shrubs and trees to prevent it from spreading further.

Soil Compaction

Another problem that can cause a problem to your tree is due to soil compaction.  We walk, run, or lawn that could cause the roots to be crushed. Once the roots’ foundation becomes weak, there’s a risk of toppling the tree during severe weather events like storms as they are no longer that effective to hold on to. There are also some times wherein the tree will eventually topple down on its own as it can’t able to hold its weight.


Avoid driving or parking any vehicles under the tree(s) canopy or even store a tool under the tree. Do not mow the lawn, especially if there’s a tree within the area.

Lack of Minerals

Tree(s) often get their nutrients from decomposing leaves and twigs as well as natural minerals that are important for them to grow healthy. If you will remove the branches, twigs, and leaves, it means you are depriving them to get the right nutrients they need to grow. Also, grass can grab some of the essential minerals and nutrients that they need.


The right solution for this problem is by making sure that your tree has the right care and maintenance to ensure that they will grow without depriving them of the right nutrients they require. Water them every now and then and add some mulch.

Why Should I Hire an Arborist For My Tree Care

In terms of proper tree care, a landscaper isn’t the right choice, but a certified arborist in Melbourne is all you need.

A well-maintained and luscious tree can boost curb appeal improve the value of your property. You don’t want to have a damaged or diseased tree in your yard right? These professionals do have the right skills and proficiency in making sure that your tree is taken care of.

What is a Certified Arborist?

A certified arborist is a well-trained professional with enough training and skills when it comes to the art and science of planting, maintenance, caring, and removal of trees.

Being an arborist isn’t a joke. These individuals have committed their time, energy, and effort to study this field. They have attained their certificates and training from reliable institutions. This ensures that they have the right skills and understanding in the cultivation of trees and shrubs.  Continues education, training, and seminars are important for these professionals to maintain their certification.

What is a Certified Arborist?

Obviously, hiring a professional ensures that your tree is being handled by certified professionals who had the right expertise and education to restoring or maintaining the health of your tree(s).  These experts will not just cut or remove a tree. They have the best knowledge about local environmental laws and regulations too.

If you live in Melbourne, of course, it is important to know that it has specific rules and guidelines in cutting, pruning, or lopping a tree. These laws may differ from one state, city, or province, so it is right that you have a reliable professional to handle that thing for you.


Right Technique

These certified professionals also have the right technique when taking care of a tree. They know what to do in caring for a tree no matter what tree species is that. An arborist will also thoroughly evaluate your tree to ensure that they have the right process. 


Proper Equipment

One thing for sure if you hire an arborist is you can always have peace of mind knowing that they have the proper tools and equipment when handling a tree. To cut, prune or trim, it is always best to have the appropriate tools.


Safety for People and Property

Aside from the experience and knowledge from handling a tree, these professionals also have the right safety gear and technique to ensure people involved in the project are safe. Your property is also protected from any damage if the one who cut the tree is inexperienced.


In conclusion, the tree plays a very significant role in our ecosystem. It is just right to provide them with the right TLC they need. Taking care of them isn’t easy especially if they become ill and sooner or later could become a threat to people and property. Call an expert arborist to help you deal with any problem. Contact us today to experience the best tree services in Melbourne. Click this link and talk to us today!

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